MCNZ Moemoeā Grant Fund
To: Parishes and Rohe, Synods and Hui Poari, and other Methodist Church Entities
Tēnā koutou katoa,
The Budget Task Group is pleased to invite applications for the Moemoeā Grant Fund, an initiative dedicated to supporting innovative, visionary, and creative projects within the Methodist Church of New Zealand – Te Hāhi Weteriana o Aotearoa. We encourage applications that align with the strategic objectives of the Church as determined by Conference, ensuring a transformative and sustainable impact on our faith communities.
Application Guidelines:
Applications must clearly outline your objectives, providing a strong narrative on what you are doing and how you will implement your initiative. The Budget Task Group will also assess applications based on the expected impact and change, along with measurable outcomes for your target audience.
Each application must include:
- A detailed description of the initiative, including objectives and implementation plans.
- A projected impact statement, outlining expected changes and benefits for your target audience.
- A clear connection to one or more of the Church’s strategic priorities (outlined below).
- A comprehensive budget detailing funding needs and how the grant will be utilised.
The priorities for funding provide a framework for the types of projects that will be considered. These include:
1. Leadership Development & Succession
- Building leadership capacity that reflects the bicultural nature of the Church.
- Rangatahi (youth) leadership training, development, and space.
- Succession planning to ensure sustainable leadership across generations.
2. Theological Education & Spiritual Growth
- Contextual theological education and ministry training for a changing world.
- Spiritual growth and development for both presbyters and laypeople, fostering a deeper faith.
- Encouraging a sound theological faith understanding in all aspects of Church life.
3. Justice & Prophetic Voice
- The Church as a prophetic voice, actively speaking up and advocating for justice.
- Commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, ensuring the Church embodies true partnership.
- Inclusiveness – ensuring the Church welcomes and supports all people.
4.Sustainability & Operational Strength
- Building a solvent and sustainable Church for the future.
- Sharing resources across the whole Church (One Hāhi).
- Transparency, planning, and consistency in decision-making and governance.
5. Vitality of Church Life & Mission
- Parish vitality and growth, ensuring vibrant worshipping communities.
- Encouraging team ministry development, fostering collaboration.
- Supporting mission and outreach, engaging with the wider community, particularly those in need.
6. Environmental Stewardship (Te Taiao)
- Caring for creation as part of the Church’s mission and responsibility.
- Integrating sustainability and environmental awareness into Church practice.
7. Partnership & Whanaungatanga
- Authentic intergenerational partnership within the Church.
- Strengthening whanaungatanga (relationships) within and beyond the Church.
- Empathy and inclusion for both active and non-active members, especially those in low socio-economic groups.
Submission Deadline:
Applications must be submitted to the Connexional Office to [E-Mail not displayed] by 6 June 2025. Late applications will not be considered.
We encourage all interested parishes, rohe, synods, hui poari, and Methodist entities to apply and bring forth their moemoeā (vision) for the Church’s future. Should you have any queries regarding the application process, please do not hesitate to contact the General Secretary.