Bible Studies

Text: Matthew 3:13-17
Themes: Life, water, baptism, faith
Summary: This discussion seeks to get young people thinking about what they are doing in their faith life to sustain their earthly life and purpose. The resource is based on a resource used at the Sinoti Samoa Tupulaga Camp, IMMERSE, Queens Birthday weekend 2021.

Immeasurable Study Guide
Text: Ephesians 3.4-20
Themes: Limits, expectations, worldly vs Godly
A devotional discussion can serve as a good thought provoker for young people who may be at the beginning of testing and exploring where they see God in relation to their own limits and measures.

Good for Good's Sake
Text: Matthew 6.1-4 (NLT)
Themes: Good deeds, intention, reasons for doing something. One of the by-products of the technological age has seen people document the good deeds they perform. The thing is, the whole notion of recording yourself doing something good for the sake of showing others comes at a risk that we will explore.

That Christ is Preached
Text: Philippians 1:15-18 (NIV)
Themes: Belief, faith sharing, change, faith in the world, rejoicing.
What should we make of Jesus is King by Kanye West? How do we respond when a mega rap star with a colourful past suddenly uses his profile to spread the same Good News we are called to live by and live out?
Practice what you Preach
Text: Matthew 21.28-32
Themes: Putting words into action, doing, following through.
Based of Jesus’ Parable of the Two Sons, this devotion is about the need to follow through on promises, do what you say and put words into action.
Nothing if not Real
Text: Various texts (see guide)
Themes: Real faith, authenticity, connectedness.
A very basic study/discussion into what it might mean to have a real, authentic faith that is nothing, if not real. In an increasingly superficial world that offers up a lot of short term, surface level pleasures, faith in Christ offers something more long-lasting and authentic.

This content has been created by Mission Resourcing:
Phone: 09 525 4179
Private Bag 11-903, Ellerslie, Auckland 1542
409 Great South Road, Penrose, Auckland 1051