Kia Ora, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Nisa Bula Vinaka, Greetings!
Warm greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As a ministry to young people, we are fully committed to hearing, valuing and empowering the voice of our young people, in all areas of church life. We believe it is important for us to place such value on ministry to young people Here and Now, as we strive to be a church that values every person, young and old, that claims a Methodist identity. We will strive to champion the cause of young people across the Connexion, and ensure their faith is nurtured and supported in the best way possible.
Who we are
Tauiwi Youth Together Aotearoa New Zealand (TYTANZ) is the National Youth Ministry of the Methodist Church of New Zealand - Te Haahi Weteriana o Aotearoa.
We are committed to upholding the value of ALL young people within the life of our church, and giving them everything they need for the beginning of a journey - One which starts and endures in a personal relationship with the living God.
MYLN Methodist Youth Leaders Network
The Methodist Youth Leaders Network (MYLN) is the national database that connects children and youth ministry leaders and workers across Te Hāhi Weteriana o Aotearoa.
As a part of the MYLN database, leaders will be kept up to date with TCYFM events and training opportunities, receive monthly resources and ideas that can be used in your parish and also have the ability to connect with other leaders in your context and geographical area - giving the platform to network connexonally and promote events and fundraising efforts.
Join the MYLN database now and get connected.
The Mission Resourcing Team
Rev Setaita Kinahoi Veikune
Director, Pasifika Ministries [E-Mail not displayed] (09)5719148
Rev Uesifili Unasa | Synod Superintendent
027 351 3455 | [E-Mail not displayed]
Contact Us

This content was created by Mission Resourcing:
Phone: 09 525 4179
Private Bag 11-903, Ellerslie, Auckland 1542
409 Great South Road, Penrose, Auckland 1051