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Latest Edition


March 2025

Tenā koutou katoa

Inclusiveness, justice and healing are three of our guiding principles so it is entirely appropriate that MCNZ leaders have been swift and vocal in their condemnation of the recent outpouring of hate, homophobia and zenophobia espoused by those in positions of power. In this issue we share two powerful statements from the President of Te Hahi Weteriana o Aotearoa and Trinity Methodist Theological College whose responses unequivocally affirm the church's position and unwavering solidarity in standing alongside those people and communities under attack. As the President says in her closing statement,

"The Gospel calls us to love one another as Christ has loved us. Love does not tolerate harm. Love does not stand by in silence. Love acts."

Rev Keita Hotere reports from New Plymouth where an awesome Te Matatini National Kapa Haka Festival attracted tens of thousands of performers, supporters, whanau, and volunteers in a week long celebration of 'performance that captured the history, boundaries, waka and prophetic messages of the Poropiti Maori from this region within Te Kahu Maunga'. It is a wonderful recap of a magnificent gathering.

Rev Dale Peach Superintendent of the South Island Methodist Synod, Te Hinota Weteriana o Te Waipounamu, looks back on one year since of the new synod was formed, and discusses the consultative process that preceded the collaboration of three separate synods. Long term planning, intentional dialogue and respectful relationships have led to a successful outcome.

TeRito Peyroux-Semu reports on the induction of Rev Nicola Grundy as Kai Hapai, the Connexional appointment lead for the vital new church structure, Te Hapai O Ki Muri. The organisation is tasked with supporting ministries and ministry leadership across the Connexion with the support of a committee that includes representatives from Te Taha Maori, Tauiwi and youth representation.

This edition of Touchstone includes reports and reflections on many initiatives. I hope you will be inspired by the content.

May the season of Lent be a time of reflection, repentance and spiritual renewal as we focus on our faith and devotion in a deeply personal and global sense.

As the lack of affordable housing continues to impact the vulnerable in Aotearoa, and the number of people on the housing register continues to grow at an alarming pace. Methodist Alliance members are using all resources available to tackle the issue from a community perspective.

In Ōtautahi, Christchurch Methodist Mission recently celebrated the completion of 14 new apartments that include social housing and affordable rentals for those aged 65+. And in Wellington, Wesley Community Action are engaged in two ambitious projects that will significantly extend housing options at Wesley Rata Village. 

I hope you will read and reflect on the content in this edition of Touchstone as we share the voice and mission of Methodism in Aotearoa. As always, I welcome your feedback

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