Section 20 Removals - Guide for Ministers
Updated June 2023
The following information is designed to help you prepare for your move, answer your questions, and assist in making this transition an organised and smooth endeavour with as few surprises as possible. The checklists contained in this guide will help to ensure that you don’t overlook any of the many arrangements that you will need to make in the lead-up to your move.
Plan moving together with all the members of your family to try to make things as easy as possible.
Preliminary arrangements
Preliminary arrangements for considering, planning and setting up removals for Methodist parishes are normally made during Conference. However, based on an early reading of Stationing, the contracted moving company may undertake the sighting of furniture and personal effects of those households who are moving to enable them to be accurate in their pricing.
For moves that take place at other times of the year, the Connexional Office ask that they are notified as early as possible in order to make arrangements for the move.
In all cases, we write to the families who are moving, giving some details of the moving arrangements, including the name of the company contracted to undertake our relocations. The company representative will contact you to further explain the process and procedures for your upcoming move.
Refer to the Things To Do section to assist you with what you need to do before leaving.
What needs to be done for the new Minister?
The incoming Minister should communicate with the parish officials giving details of arrangements for expected arrival.
The appropriate officials should ensure the parsonage is ready for the arrival of the new occupants. This could include:
- lawns mowed
- house aired and dusted
- hot water turned on
- some tangible signs of welcome, e.g. flowers
- some basic essentials in the cupboards
- some sensitive considerations of early payment of the stipend.
It can be useful to leave in a prominent place details such as the day of rubbish collection, etc.
How is the move arranged?
The representative of the contracted relocation company will arrange, in liaison with you, for a consultant from their company to visit your home and measure the size of your belongings. Details of size and cost are forwarded to the Connexional Office, where authorisation is given to proceed. The company will then make final arrangements directly with the family, which is moving as to dates and times of pickup and delivery.
When the consultant visits your home, please clearly indicate everything that is expected to be relocated and everything that is not. Be specific, too, if possible, about timing.
Where the size of the contracted move is indicated as being over the maximum set by the removal scheme (45 cubic metres), the household will be advised of the extra cubic metres and its likely “pro rata” cost.
The Removal Scheme covers the cost of 45 cubic metres. If you wish to move more than this, you will need to pay the additional cost.
What is shifted?
A golden rule when relocating is to discard, sell or give away unwanted items. It is not reasonable to pack everything in the household, shift it, and then do a sort out and throw away.
The removal scheme has limits to what is allowed in relocation. Please refer to Section 19 Removals Policy for further details.
What is involved in packing?
As stated in the Removals Policy, it is the responsibility of the family moving to pack all of their household items other than breakables.
The relocation company will not carry paint, garden sprays or similar damaging items. The company will notify you of “dangerous goods” that are unable to be relocated.
Books are best packed in small cardboard boxes that can be lifted. Fastening should be by tape, which avoids string damage to other goods by rubbing.
Where possible, everything should be packed into a carton, as cartons are easier to stack in the shipping container. An adequate carton should retain its shape, be capable of being taped down (except for pot plants) and be lifted by one person, with contents placed to ensure a minimum amount of possible movement. But be sure each carton can be handled and check that the bottoms are secure.
Mark cartons (on tape or label – so that the carton can be used again) to identify room/contents to assist in placement and unpacking.
Pack heavier items or bulky items at the bottom of the carton. Cushions can usefully be packed to provide protection for other items. Carpets, rugs, tapestries, posters, etc., are best rolled good side in and taped. Folding articles (ironing boards, picnic chairs) should be taped (and/or tied) so that they do not come undone during handling and transport.
The supply of cartons and packing materials is the responsibility of the family moving and can be arranged with the relocation company.
Things to do
To help prepare for the move, we offer the following checklists as a guide
Around Two Months Prior To Moving Contact the parish you are moving to and determine when your home will be available for your family to move into. Set a moving date. Make bookings on the interisland ferries if required. Arrange overnight accommodation if required. Have a thorough cleanout - don't forget the garden shed and garage. Begin to run down supplies of frozen and other perishable foods, household cleaners etc. Make a list of anything you will not be taking. If selling, advertise them from sale; consider arranging for a garage sale to dispose of those items that you will not be taking or putting into storage. Keep a list of incoming mail and notify change of address for any subscriptions. Advise friends and relatives of your move.
Prepare your Insurance Inventory and store it with your valuables.
Plan how and when to pack your belongings.
Begin to collect sturdy cartons for packing everything except breakables.
Advise your children's school/kindergarten of your impending move and decide, if not already arranged, on a new school/kindergarten.
Make arrangements for packing cartons.
In The Last Month Before You Move Collect the family's dental and medical record, and discuss any ongoing medical or dental treatments with your practitioner/specialist to ensure continuity of care after you move. Collect letters of introduction and children's school records. Transfer any social welfare benefits. Make notifications of Changes of Address - Post shop for mail redirection. (The Removal Scheme will reimburse the cost of mail redirection for up to four months. You can claim this on the personal expenses claim form.)
- Driver's Licence and Motor Vehicle Registration for up to four months. (You can claim this on the personal expenses claim form.)
- Inland Revenue.
- Lawyers, doctors.
- Insurance companies.
- Banks, credit card companies, hire purchase/loan companies.
Accountant. Stores where you have accounts or loyalty cards. Magazine or other subscriptions/clubs. Start packing and labelling boxes with contents and intended location in your new home. Complete the Insurance Inventory form and return it to the Connexional Office. This needs to be completed to ensure you have cover for the move. Within The Last Fortnight Ask friends and relatives to help on moving day. If you need to, arrange for someone to look after your children on the move day. This may help to remove some of the emotional stress of moving for them. Transfer any social welfare benefits. Organise final accounts for:
- Electricity.
- Water.
- Gas.
Ensure that utilities are turned off one day after your household and personal effects are uplifted and make arrangements for the payments of your outstanding accounts.
Ensure the continuity of these services at your new address. In The Last Week List essential items you will need on moving day. Collect any outstanding items, for example, laybys, dry cleaners, shoe repairs etc. Return library books. Return anything borrowed from neighbours, friends etc. Cancel mail/paper deliveries. Cancel local arrangements, for example, lawn mowing. Arrange to have all LPG cylinders purged with nitrogen and obtain a 'Safe for Transportation' Certificate. In The Last 2 Days Check with local manufacturers whether your washing machine and refrigerators motors need bolting down (i.e. stabiliser bar). Clean out the medicine cabinet. Empty rubbish bins. Do the final clear out of the garage. Get rid of inflammables (throw them out or give them to neighbours) and drain fuel from lawnmowers and other machinery. Check the contents of drawers and remove all spillable or breakable items.
You may leave lightweight, soft goods such as pillows, clothes and lingerie in the drawers. Heavy items such as sheets and linen will overload and weaken the drawers.
Mirrors and pictures should be removed from walls in preparation for the packers' arrival. Wash and dry laundry. Prepare any items requiring dismantling which are to be moved, e.g., trampolines, garden furniture etc. Make sure gas, electricity and water meters have been read. Defrost the fridge and freezer and, remove food, wash out the interior. If you are having some items out into storage, separate those items from items being transported and items in your personal luggage so that the gear is not accidentally mixed. Ensure the packers are informed of what is going where. If moving long distance, have your pet picked up. On The Day You Move Be on hand when the packing crew arrives, as you will need to be available to answer questions and sign the inventory on move day. If you have to leave, it is essential you appoint someone to act on your behalf and notify your Consultant of this authorisation. Have dishes washed and dried. Leave beds assembled with bedclothes removed. Before packing begins, accompany the head packer on a tour of the premises so they can inspect each article. Ensure the condition of all items is recorded. Check and sign the Inventory and keep a copy. Consider carrying with you the essential things you will need when you first arrive. Carry all valuables and important papers with you. Ensure the house is left clean and tidy. Tighten all taps. Check gas, electric switches and lights. Check water heating is turned off. Lock doors and windows. Make a final check of cupboards and closets, gas, lights and windows. House keys are surrendered. Carry With Me Checklist Removals company representative contact details at the destination and any documents pertaining to the transportation of your household goods. Any tickets required for travel to the new destination, eg. ferry. Medicines, medical records and prescriptions. Any personal records, vehicle ownership, insurance policies, and other important documentation. Valuables, jewellery, small items of extreme value. Children's school records. Basic toiletries, change of clothes etc.