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  • Update Week Beginning 13 January 2025

    Kia ora e te whanau


    Happy New Year!


    I hope that 2025 has started full of promise of what might be.

    Lynne and I both succumbed to covid just as Christmas was upon us. In recovery mode, we headed south with our small caravan for Peel Forest, an idyllic little DOC campsite near the bank of the Rangitata River. As many others experienced, we encountered rain, rain, rain during what was intended to be an 8 day sojourn. We packed up two nights early when the sun came out for a day, because the forecast was for worse to come. Between frequent trips into Geraldine to visit the Supermarket and its cafes, we lounged around and read book after book. There were bush walks I wanted to explore. We did not a one. And, perhaps oddly enough, I came home with a gratitude for the inclement weather. It was my friend. I was enriched by the books I read, the quiet companionship with Lynne, and the forced rest both of us needed – both from a full year, and to protect ourselves from the possibility of long-covid.


    We can often find ourselves disappointed with how things have turned out. It’s worth asking what have been the unsought benefits/blessings, and learnings? Or as I heard it once put ‘What’s in God’s other hand?’ Clouds apparently have silver linings – it’s worth seeking to notice.


    Leadership and Personal Development

    How to Make 2025 Seem Twice as Long (in the Best Possible Way) 

    Jeff Haden reflects on the way in which life tends to seem to speed up as we get older. I’ve often said that my clock seems to have turned into a fan! Apparently there is both a really strong scientific rationale / explanation as to why this is so, and a really good series of strategies we can implement to mitigate this ‘problem’. This interesting article can be read here.


    Why We Need To Recalibrate Our Attitude To Time Management

    And while we’re talking about time, another offering from Forbes to kick off the New Year. I thought I was a rare in my struggle with effective time management. Apparently it’s a ‘curse’ that the vast majority of us struggle with. This article acknowledges the tension, and offers some strategies for getting the life we’re called to / want. It can be read here.


    How Exercise Gives You Energy

    Finally, it has been observable in my own life that regular exercise makes a big difference – it regulates my mood (as I was explaining to a friend a little while back, for decades I ran daily – not because I enjoyed it, but because my mental health seemed to demand it), I feel better, I sleep better, I think better. When I’m weary, the temptation is to simply snooze, when the best strategy might be to go for a walk, or get on the bike. This useful 1 minute video explains it all click here.


    Homilies & Preaching Resources      

    Trevor Hoggard, being in holiday mode,  has stepped away from the Lectionary, and posted for this coming Sunday a talk on Mary. It’s entitled ‘Mary the Mother of Christ - a Methodist View’.  It can be accessed here.


    My response to the Gospel text for 19th of January – reflects on John 2:1-11 – Jesus turn water into wine at a wedding in Cana, and is titled ‘Water, Wine, and Glory.’ It can be experienced here.


    The Diocese of Waikato & Taranaki continues to post sermons on-line. The preacher for this coming Sunday is Jay Ruka, Dean of the Taranaki Cathedral. Jay focusses on the John 2:1-11 text tying it to the crucifixion experience where wine is there at both the beginning and end of his ministry. Jay’s message can be experienced here.


    Gospel Conversations - Michael Godfrey (out of the Dunedin Anglican Diocese) hosts a conversation of 4 Theologians and Practitioners at the beginning of each week around the Gospel lectionary text for the coming Sunday. They examine four issues – one gives background to the text, then they consider their challenges, Good News, and application (the ‘so what?’). The site with all its options can be accessed here. This coming Sunday’s offering focuses on the lectionary Gospel of John 2:1-11. It can be accessed here.


    Again, it will help broaden all our reach if you ‘subscribe’ and ‘like’.

    Once again, use the videos as you will.


    FORUM 2025 - Kings Birthday Weekend, in Auckland – Expressions of Interest

    The expressions of interest continue to trickle in. I’m delighted that it’s from a broad spectrum across our base.  We’d like to hear from more of you. The Standing Committee has agreed that the Fee will be $250 for the weekend (travel and accommodation extra) if registered before the end of April. After that it will increase to $300. Registration forms will be available February onward.


    We’re still looking for ‘Expressions of Interest’ – from those intending or hoping to be present. I’d be grateful if you could simply contact me at my personal email address [E-Mail not displayed], to let me know it’s on your radar.



    As always, if you find you’d prefer not to receive this weekly newsletter, please let me know and your address will be removed.


    Ngā manaakitanga


    Andrew Doubleday

    UCANZ Ministry Facilitator