Privacy Act 2020
Register a Privacy eLearning account - instructions
Register an account if you are new to the Privacy Commissioner's elearning courses
Enter your details under New account
(see below)
Optional but highly recommended:
- Use "Methodist Church of New Zealand" as your employer under "Other fields"
(see below)
- Use your name as employee id
- Tick the Opt in box
This will allow the Connexional Office to see who throughout the Connexion have undertaken these learning modules.
- Use "Methodist Church of New Zealand" as your employer under "Other fields"
Privacy Act Principles - more information
The Privacy Act 2020 governs how we can collect, store, use and share private information.
It ensures that:
- people know when their information is being collected
- personal information is used and shared appropriately
- personal information is kept safe and secure
- people can get access to their information
The Privacy Act has 13 privacy principles that govern how businesses and organisations should collect, handle and use personal information.
Privacy Breach Reporting - Module
This course will help you understand what you can do to reduce the risk of privacy breaches and manage breaches that do occur. It also covers the requirements to notify the Privacy Commissioner of serious privacy breaches.
Click here to sign in to your Privacy eLearning account
Privacy Act 2020 - Module
This course will give you an overview of why the Privacy Act was revised and key changes in the Act which came into force on 1 December 2020.
Click here to sign in to your Privacy eLearning account
Privacy ABC for Schools - Module
This course will provide an overview of privacy rights and responsibilities in the context of schools, as well as give you an understanding of how the Privacy Act is applied in practice.
Click here to sign in to your Privacy eLearning account
Health ABC - Module
Get a 30 minute introduction to protecting health information under the Health Information Privacy Code.
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Privacy ABC - Module
This module contains eleven scenario-based units which give a quick oversight of privacy in 30 minutes or less.
Click here to sign in to your Privacy eLearning account
Employment and Privacy - Module
This module contains a series of eight units which will help employers and employees deal with privacy-related employment issues.
Click here to sign in to your Privacy eLearning account
Privacy 101 - Module
This course will introduce you to key concepts and definitions contained in the Privacy Act. The training takes approximately 2-3 hours but does not have to be completed in a single session.
Click here to sign in to your Privacy eLearning account
Health 101 - Module
This course will introduce you to key concepts and definitions contained in the Health Information Privacy Code (HIPC) and how they may be applied in practice. The training takes approximately 3-4 hours but does not have to be completed in a single session.
Click here to sign in to your Privacy eLearning account