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NZ Sea Level Changes
NZ will see increased levels of seal level rise, and faster, due to tectonic plate shift effects operating in tandem with climate change.
Includes a link to the Newhub story on these developments as well as a link to a more detailed presentation on Sea level changes from The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine.
View more infoProgress Paper Mar-2022
A Paper prepared by the Working Group for Distribution to Synods, Rohe and Hui Poari
View more infoClimate Justice Workshop at Conference 2021
I would like to begin this article with this quote from Sonja Klinsky, who is an Associate Professor and Senior Global Futures Scientist at Arizona State University, “Climate change has hit home around the world in 2021 with record heat waves, drought, wildfires and extreme storms. Often, the people suffering most from the effects of climate change are those who have done the least to cause it.” (NZ Herald, Tuesday, November 9, 2021)
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