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Climate Justice

Ko tātou te taiao, ko te taiao ko tātou

Inspiring Change for a Sustainable Future!

In the background, an excavator works in a rubbish filled landscape, while foreground text invites the reader to attend the Inspiring Change for a Sustainable Future event on 13th July 2024

The Climate Justice Working Group (CJWG) is excited to invite you to an upcoming event aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and zero-waste practices.

Registration is essential for both In-Person or Online options, so click the image above or scan the QR code now to Register!

Ko tātou te taiao, ko te taiao ko tātou
O tatou o le siosiomaga le siosiomaga o tatou
Ko kitautolu 'a e 'atakai pea ko e 'atakai kitautolu
O keda na draki kei na draki e tiko kina o keda
We are the environment, the environment is us. 

Welcome to the Climate Justice pages

Climate Justice is a growing focus for the Methodist Church. These pages have been created to help us all on this journey to do more to care for creation.