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Vahefonua Tonga o Aotearoa

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Vahefonua Tonga o Aotearoa is the Tongan in the Te Haahi Weteriana o Aotearoa family. It embraces all Tongans in Aotearoa New Zealand who are Methodists.

Synod Executive Team

The Vahefonua has been given, by the MCNZ Conference, the responsibility for oversight of all Tongan members of the Methodist Church of New Zealand, and to empower them in their worship of God through providing:

Vahefonua Tonga is one of the standing committees of the conference. It also functions as a national court or forum for Tongan fellowships within the Methodist Church of New Zealand. It may sometimes liaise directly or indirectly as appropriate with any overseas conference or church, and any regional or global Methodist organisation, and also any ecumenical or secular agency.

Contact Us

Postal Address
409 Great South Road
Penrose, Auckland
New Zealand
Ph:(09)571 9157 or (09)525 4179

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/152850318143874/

Other Contacts

Setuata Lahi Vahefonua 
Temisi Taufa
[E-Mail not displayed]

Tokoni Setuata Lahi Vahefonua
Mafua Lolohea
Email : [E-Mail not displayed]

Lautohi Fakasapate Faifekau / Sunday School
Rev. Tisileli Taufa
Email : [E-Mail not displayed]

Konivina - Sunday School Secretary / Convener 
Loviana T Lusaipau
Email: [E-Mail not displayed] 

Kanititeiti Faifekau /Presbyter Candidacy 
Rev. Siutaisa Tukutau
Email: [E-Mail not displayed]

Talavou moe Finemui Faifekau / Youth
Rev. Finau Halaleva and Rev Makeleta Tu'uhoko
Email: [E-Mail not displayed] | [E-Mail not displayed]

Konivina Talavou moe Finemui / Youth Secretary
'Osaiasi Kupu
Email: [E-Mail not displayed] 

Komiti Koloa / Synod Property Comittee
Sea: Mafua Lolohea
Email: [E-Mail not displayed]